Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Notes

Helena Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, July 04, 2011
4:23 PM

Bob asked us for highs and lows for the day.
Hope told of 4 young boys dedicating there life to Christ at West Helen Baptist Church. That upon opening her eyes after prayer and alter call, there were two men there with their hands on the boys. Hope was very moved by this and the discussion that followed. The boys were given much information on their duties as citizens and as soldiers of Christ.

David was asked, as a Deacon to join Deacon/Pastor prayer union prior to service at New Light Missionary Baptist Church. Following the prayer, he was asked to lead the responsive reading before the congregation. What a special moment and feeling.

Kate attended St. Paul's with Ben Newell and Chip, one of our interns from North Carolina(Henderson). It was a special time, witnessing the baptism of three young boys being baptized as all the children of the church were brought forth to be closer to the pool and witness the occasion. Kate went on to tell us of an excellent sermon by Ernest and how he would sing, play the piano and preach - quite impressive.

Hope explained the music for tomorrow and actually sang the camp song for us.
Brenda Wilson gave us a run down on the Bible story for tomorrow and Courtney and explanation on iron deficiencies.

Kate was able to explain our mission in Helena and also told of . a woman returning from treatment and giving a testimony

Sarah shared her impressions about establishing relationships in Helena and how well we were connected from the past HBBC mission trips and we all agreed that we should talk to DW about involving more youth next year.

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