Monday, July 19, 2010

Camp Day 1

It was a very eventful first day! There was a nice breeze today, so it was a very welcome relief from the sweltering Helena heat. We met tonight for a debriefing and some people shared their highs and their lows of the day.

Blessings group went to unload some chairs in the community center, and although some of the chairs fell off the truck that was transporting them, they were able to set them out. Some of the kids that were hanging out there were very eager to learn what they were for. It was nice to see their interest in what we were doing.

Preschool and Kids camp both had a low number of kids come, which is not the usual. There is usually a full camp on the first day. Even though it was a little disappointing not to see the normal kids, it was also a blessing to be able to have more one on one interaction with the children, which is what they need. However, we have been spreading the word, so we are expecting more children to show up tomorrow! There might be other programs going on this week, which is also a blessing because that means that the community is pulling together more for the kids; the ACC kids camp used to be the only program for local children. Even though it is a little sad for some of us, it is a very good thing for the community! The kids recognize a lot of us from the previous years, which is always a high point. Seeing their smiling faces as they say our names just warms our hearts.

The construction group got a lot of work done, but unfortunately they had to pack it all up and take it back to the shop because they still need to do some more work in the Eden market. They aren't sure they will be able to finish it by the end of the week, but we are all hopeful and praying for them to accomplish their goal.

Some prayer requests: We have heard from Julie and her brother-in-law is still in the hospital in rehab for his hands/fingers. He still has not moved his legs and they aren't sure when or if he will be able to recover. Leonora's sister just had a baby who has been sick and needs prayers as the baby recovers. Also, the older sibling is special needs and is having a hard time adjusting to this new addition to the family. Please pray for her family also as they try to figure out plans to pick up Lucas once he returns from the Czech Republic.

There have been many highs and lows today, but we just have to remember that this is all a part of God's plan for us here in Helena. Whatever happens is for a reason. Our most important mission is to spread His word to the people here.

Until tomorrow...

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